{YEL} Chess Camp

  YEL Summer Chess Camp
  6/10/2024 - 6/13/2024
  Mo, Tu, We, Th
  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  IJ Holton Intermediate School:I J Holton Room 110
  Kamau Wilkins

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Students entering grades 1st-5th.

All levels Welcome! The (YEL) Teach It!...Practice It!...Play It! method keeps chess studetns progressing with 60+ chess lessons and thousands of puzzles as well as guided games and an end-of-week in class tournament.Class fee includes ChessKid.com membership for the session($49 annual value). Battle summer brain drain...sign up today. Visit YELKids.com for more information. Deadline to register June 3, 2024