YEL Summer Coding

  YEL Summer Coding Animation and Video Games
  7/8/2024 - 7/11/2024
  Mo, Tu, We, Th
  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  IJ Holton Intermediate School:I J Holton Room 110
  Kamau Wilkins

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


{YEL!} Coding Animation and Video Games

For students entering 3rd-6th grades

STEM Video Game Enrichment for the 21st Century learner. Each {YEL!} Coding class follows three basic components:•Teach It!…Students learn different video game and storytelling design techniques (movement blocks, control blocks, basic animation, adding scores,  etc.) •Code It!… Students use Scratch® to code their own story and video games. •Explore It!…Students can write their own story and video game code, experiment with it and test new options.  Our collaborative learning environment encourages students to learn from each other. Sign up today to THINK, LEARN and PLAY WELL with {YEL!}.

Scratch® is an MIT created and monitored, kid-safe web interface.  It uses a drag and drop programming interface to teach students of all levels coding practices.